Tuesday, November 26, 2019

See 27 Photos of Halo: Combat Evolved Remastered | @SeeJoshsPhotos #PhotoLumiero #Lumiero184

#PhotoLumiero Banner featuring Bayek of Siwa on top of a statue with the moon and pyramids in the background. From the Xbox One game, Assassin's Creed: Origins by Ubisoft

Hey, Culture Heads!

Is that a weird name for ya? Yea, I'll work on it. If you have any ideas, please, toss one up.

This week, SeeJoshsPhotos tweeted out the Virtual Game Photography of Halo: Combat Evolved Remastered on Microsoft's Xbox One S. See all 27 Photos on SeeJoshsPhotos.com, here

@SeeJoshsPhotos on Twitter

Halo Master Chief Collection

If you're a fan, then you probably already know that the Master Chief Collection has been available for awhile and that it contains REMARKABLE Anniversary Edition Remasters of Halo: CE and Halo 2. In fact, if you're an Achievement Hunter on Xbox, you can even get some points for seeing every level in it's original render AND in it's remastered environment. (You can toggle back and forth very easily.)

If you're looking for news, you may not know that Halo MCC has begun it's transition to PC. 
Read more in the November 2019 Update at HaloWayPoint.com

#PhotoLumiero | Virtual Game Photography

Piloting an Xbox One S, Lumiero (a photographer irl) has been exploring various virtual game environments with Photography Modes such as Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed: Origins and AC: Odyssey but, he also skillfully captures images from other games the old fashioned way (Xbox Button + Y).

One of these games is Halo: Combat Evolved. As I mentioned earlier, you can see all 27 photos on SeeJoshsPhotos.com but, I was able to get my hands on a few for you, Culturists? (I'll keep thinking on it...)

#Lumiero184 | The Halo Universe

Halo Master Chief Collection Virtual Game Photography | @SeeJoshsPhotos #PhotoLumiero #Lumiero184
Halo Master Chief Collection Virtual Game Photography | @SeeJoshsPhotos #PhotoLumiero #Lumiero184

Halo Master Chief Collection Virtual Game Photography | @SeeJoshsPhotos #PhotoLumiero #Lumiero184

Halo Master Chief Collection Virtual Game Photography | @SeeJoshsPhotos #PhotoLumiero #Lumiero184

#PhotoLumiero Poll

Be sure to cast a vote for which VGP set you want to see released next!

Josh | @84Culture

Give us a Follow on Twitter @84Culture, won't you?

Check out the #84Culture Podcast on artscience84.com, right now!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

St. Augustine is the Oldest Continually Inhabited European City in the United States | #84Bing

It's time for another #84Bing Search of the Day!

Today, I learned that St. Augustine, Florida was founded by the Spanish Empire in 1556. After being raided by the English, Castillo de San Marcos was built to defend the colony. Although it withstood two major attacks, it was treaties and land exchanges that would see it change hands multiple times between the Spanish, the English and U.S.

This location has definitely gained my attention and I would love to add it to my Travel Wishlist.

Check out 'St Augustine Florida' on Bing

Josh | @84Culture

Check out my Travel Wishlist on SeeJoshsPhotos.com

Give us a Follow on Twitter @84Culture, won't you?

Check out the #84Culture Podcast on artscience84.com, right now!

Sunlight filtered through the browing leaves of a grape vine in autumn.

Monday, November 4, 2019

FIFA 20 Pro Clubs November Leaderboards | #prolumiero #videogames #fifa20 @LumieroSport

November 04, 2019

FIFA 20 Pro Clubs Leaderboards

ProLumiero |.These are the current Pro Club Leaderboard Rankings. Congratulations to the Top 10 in each category.

I’ve included the Forward, Midfield and Defence lists. I intend on reaching the Top 10 in all categories by October 2020.





Live on Mixer

I occasionally stream from Xbox One on Mixer at the following hyperlink:

Watch Lumiero Live Stream on Mixer.com/artscience84

Virtual Game Photography

See the official webspace for Lumiero Virtual Game Photography featuring games like Halo, Assassin’s Creed and more at the following hyperlink:

See Joshs Virtual Game Photography | SeeJoshsPhotos.com