
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Changes to the Culture\\

January 05, 2019\\
California, USA\\

Good evening, world!

If you've been here before, you may be noticing some slight changes. If that's so, you may also be aware that this constellation is forever changing. Upon reflection and analysis, it's been decided that this particular space was in need of a re brand.

The change will only be minimal. The title has gone from #Blog84 to #84Culture. The simple reason being that, someone else is using the 'Blog84' text on Social Media and I feel like the root system here isn't deeply established yet, so moving it around shouldn't cause any damage.
(Garden reference)

This reboot\ is also more inclined to include content from outside of the #artscience84 network. I was hesitant to become a "blogger" and feel like I was just using buzzwords and hot topics to attract you to my own content. After some self discussion, I've come to peace with it. As long as the outside content that I choose to share with you, here, is somewhat relevant to the overall 'culture' then, I'm okay with it.

Be advised. I blog freely and independently and content that I promote or encourage you to engage with is completely at my own discretion. I DO NOT RECEIVE COMPENSATION. If I share a product or service it is because I genuinely enjoy using it myself. (I do, however, employ adsense. Those are generated by google but, I trust those to be accurate and on target for you and they do provide me with a certain compensation)

Anyway, due to the nature of this ever changing system of creation, there is always much to be done, so, adios for now. Enjoy your weekend!

Is there anything specific that you would be interested in seeing discovered, here?
Let it be known.

Josh\ #84Culture

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