
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Abstract Art Gallery,"Rouge", to become Indie Film

Abstract Art\ #abstrqct84

"As I have grown, the color RED has begun to speak to me.
When I was young, blue was my favorite color.
This is a project that has allowed me to explore a color that has been foreign to me, even exotic.
Below, there is some content for you to explore. You may leave your impressions in the comments. I want to know your thoughts on the subject.
If you are so inclined, there is also an opportunity to purchase your own copy of some of these original pieces of art for you to study in your own space.
What is your passion made of?"
After releasing the short for "Rouge" on YouTube earlier this week, the Abstract Art branch of artscience84 announced on a live Mixer stream, plans to adapt the project into an entire film immersed in the color red.

Last Tuesday, the replay surfaced on YouTube:
#ROUGE84\ How Does RED Make You Feel?\ ReBroadcast on YouTube

Shortly after that, changes were made to the official page dedicated to the project including a new description (as seen above but, in French) and some changes to the layout, including a custom url.

Visit #Rouge84 by artscience84 at

In the video, the artist explains the concepts behind abstrqct84 and "Rouge" in addition to giving a brief tour of the website.

There is no release date set as of today but stay tuned to @84Culture and you won't miss out.

Josh\ #84Culture

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